Need of the Food

Food security is a vital aspect of any society, and India, with its rich cultural heritage, recognises the importance of providing equal access to food for all its citizens. While the Indian Constitution implicitly upholds the right to food, Dr Kislay Panday emphasises the moral duty of every individual to ensure that no one sleeps hungry. In this article, we will delve into Dr Panday’s efforts in addressing food security concerns and how his initiatives contribute to the overall well-being of the nation.
The National Food Security Act (NFSA) passed in 2003 aimed to provide subsidised food grains to two-thirds of India’s population. However, the implementation of this act has faced challenges, including issues relating to storage facilities and food quality. Additionally, the lack of scientific methods in the distribution process has been a concern. Recognising the need for technological intervention, Dr Kislay Panday advocates for the incorporation of Information Technology (IT) into the domain of the NFSA. By leveraging technology, the system can address storage, quality control, and distribution challenges more efficiently.
Dr Kislay Panday, a prominent social activist and legal expert, has made noteworthy contributions in the domain of food security in India. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the NFSA, he has been at the forefront of advocating for change. One of Dr Panday’s key initiatives is the promotion of community-led initiatives to combat hunger. Through his organization, he encourages individuals to take individual responsibility and feed at least one person in need. This approach recognises the moral duty people have towards one another, beyond the ambit of laws and governmental interventions.
Additionally, Dr Panday has actively raised awareness about the need for technological integration in the NFSA. He highlights how advancements in IT can streamline operations, enhance transparency, and ensure that food reaches the intended beneficiaries promptly. Apart from his grassroots work, Dr Panday also engages in advocacy and policy reforms cantered around food security. He has been instrumental in organising food camps, and seminars to discuss innovative solutions and highlight the importance of food security at all levels. Through his legal expertise, Dr Panday has tried to contribute to the develop the guidelines that address the gaps in the current food security framework. By collaborating with government bodies, NGOs, and other stakeholders, he advocates for reforms that will enhance the effectiveness of the NFSA while ensuring equitable access to food for all citizens. Dr Kislay Panday has been a driving force in the fight against hunger and food insecurity in India. His efforts, both at the grassroots level and through advocacy, highlight the importance of individual responsibility in combating this issue. By promoting community-led initiatives and urging the integration of technology into the NFSA, he aims to create a more efficient and equitable food distribution system. Dr Panday’s contributions serve as an inspiration to all, emphasising that everyone has a role to play in ensuring that the right to food is upheld, regardless of legal recognition.